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Saving time and increasing productivity at a glance.
• Watch videos at different playback speeds directly from your browser. • Change your Youtube playback speed. • Change the speed at the tap of an iOS Action. • Leaving the browser is not required.
It's Awesome
Watching videos at higher speeds can easily move you through iTunes U courses or other media, which is highly recommended by productivity experts. Using Playbex is the best method to change the playback speed of Youtube videos and other, because it doesn't require entering the URL in an app, like other solutions offer..

Powerful Features
Saving time and increasing productivity at a glance. • Change the playback speed from 0.25x to 8x. • Support for Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, TED Talks, iTunesU, and many others.
Save Your Time
All productivity experts are highly recommended this app
Save Your Time
Support for Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, TED Talks, iTunesU, and many others.
Playbex now supports the native youtube app.
Change the playback speed from 0.25x to 8x.
Works with Blackboard on Safari
I bought this to listen to lecture recordings on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra at a faster speed and it works great.

Increase Your Productivity
Watching videos at higher speeds can easily move you through iTunes U courses or other media, which is highly recommended by productivity experts.
Twice the efficiency.
I listen to all my podcasts on x2
Available for both iPhone & iPad.
Neat and smooth experience.